Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's Resolution!

Yes, I know, we all say it. However, after a quiet KimoYes blog for the last half of 2010, it is time for me to get moving.  For me, last year was a time of both work and reflection. I recently resigned from a 25 teaching career and can now devote more time to the things that I really love and feel passionate about.

The new year also got off to a good start because I've been able to upload some beautiful things to the KimoYes website.  A few months ago I added a new category on the website, obi bolts. These are bolts of fabric intended to be used to make various types of obi, although a few are, in fact, obi that have been unpicked and rolled. The long lengths are great for table runners, upholstery and other home decor. The last few that I uploaded today, however, would make great additions to wedding gowns or tables. The gorgeous cream silk is elaborately woven with gold and silver threads. Just beautiful!

Check out our other beautiful obi fabric bolts - I'm sure that you will find the experience to be inspirational.

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